The boundaries between work and private life are becoming more and more blurry. I am lucky to have a job which is also my passion, and I’d like to share that passion with others not only in the office conference room, but also beyond it. Daily work on the junction between business, technology and IT, gives me opportunity to contact wise and interesting people. Together, we often discuss, argue and inspire each other. This blog is dedicated exactly to such inspirations and own reflections concerning business and technology matters. I hope that the content you find here, will inspire you to further reflection and discussion, to which you are cordially invited.
Norbert Biedrzycki since the beginning of 2016 is responsible for the management of the Atos Polska company, which is providing to the Polish market IT products and services for all branches of the economy. Previously he was the President and CEO of ABC Data SA and President and CEO of Sygnity SA. For many years he had worked at McKinsey & Company as a Partner in the Business Technology Office, where he had managed customer service in the telecommunications and high-tech sectors on the European market. He also used to work for Oracle as the director of advisory services and business development.
Private life
Father of two wonderful sons, enthusiast of heavy music (he is also a drummer, having finished Music School of the 2nd degree), passionate about travelling and discovering the world