Code Europe. The largest software development conference in Poland, 90 speakers, 150 workshops and 9000 participants. Place to share experiences, knowledge, best practices with international industry leaders, key developers, managers, clients on latest technology trends, case studies, projects.
During December edition of the conference I was a speaker at the panel “What new professions will arise thanks to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?”. The key topics we discussed were:
- There has never been such a dynamic development of technology in the history of mankind. The economy has changed to ‘sharing’. Social media is unstoppable. How does this affect the way we work?
- The second revolution – the nineteenth century – a total change in the way of production thanks to electrification. Then another through computerization, which leads almost to the total automation of production. Are we facing another great change – thanks to AI?
- What occupations may become completely unnecessary in the near future?
- How do companies prepare for the next revolution?
- Is it possible to limit work only for technological elites in our lifetime?
- Nanotechnology – or maybe some other breakthrough will completely surprise us?
- Game tester, mobile application programmer, cloud computing specialist, social media manager, big data analysis specialist, information security analyst – professions that were not available several years ago. On the other hand, a lot of jobs are dying. It’s natural, but how to adapt to the rapidly changing world – in IT, where these changes are the most dynamic.
- What specialization does IT seem to die at the moment?
- Are the robot trainers / Artificial Intelligence already exists? Are they only IT specialists, or also philosophers and ethicists?
- How multidisciplinary must be IT specialists? Not only in the field of programming languages or known technologies.
- Should there be a new way of educating together with new professions?
- Will acquiring skills be the most important skill?
Nice. Why we see so little girls in IT?