BUSINESS INSIDER: How machines think

The development of artificial intelligence in robotics is not as unlikely as you might think. A growing number of technologies enable machines to observe the environment in which they operate and choose the best course of action.

Busniess Insider Norbert Biedrzycki intelligent machines

My article in Business Insider published 22 October 2016.

Technological advances make you wonder: is this the start of a new world ruled by intelligent machines? Is there such thing as artificial intelligence?

The development of artificial intelligence in robotics is not as unlikely as you might think. A growing number of technologies enable machines to observe and comprehend the environment in which they operate and choose the best course of action towards their assigned goal.


Link (in Polish):


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  1. DDonovan

    Not in English. Might be an interesting topic to read

  2. DCzaj

    Panie Norbercie, czy będzie z tego artykuł? Na blogu?