Leadership in the Digital World – Interim Managers Association

Leadership in the digital age describes the skills needed by leaders in an ever-changing and more complex world.

Konferencja SIM Norbert Biedrzycki


Transforming an organization requires the courage leader, awareness of market trends and the ability to choose right people. Perhaps this is a paradox, but in times of high specialization, the leader’s versatility is worth its weight in gold – says Norbert Biedrzycki, passionate about the latest technologies of robotization, application of artificial intelligence, blockchains, VR and AR, Internet of Things, Vice President Digital McKinsey, head of McKinsey Digital Lab at CEE.

– Does every contemporary organization have to undergo a change process?

– What is the role of a leader in transformation?

– What are the competences people must have, which we will invite to the process of change in the company?

– Multitasking of the leader or his specialization?


The inaugural speech of Norbert Biedrzycki’s “Order in Digital Chaos” is scheduled for 6th of December in Warsaw.


The next annual SIM conference is behind us. Together with the invited experts, we discussed the new digital economy, AI, new leadership models and the role of interim managers in the era of digital transformation. Thank you for the large dose of inspiration from our fantastic speakers, including Norbert Biedrzycki, prof. Henryk Mruk, prof. Tomasz Rostkowski, Sylwia Barthel De Weydenthal, Piotr Kicinski, PhD CFA, Magdalena Dziewguc, Andrzej Szumowski, Edyta Sadowska, Boguslawa (Bogy) Cimoszko Skowronski,Beata Staszkow, Jacek Barzowski, Tomasz Jakubowski, Michał Nowak, dagmara łuczyńska, Krzysztof Kuwalek, Beata Pawłowska, Jerzy Kalinowski, Joanna Ceplin, Marek Dragosz, Damian Wleklak.


Related articles:

– Reflections on ethical leadership

– Automation will not destroy all jobs

– Uncertainty has its upside. Leadership in digital economy

– From Dictator to Partner

– The end of age of humans

– Surviving in the digital age, future-proofing your business


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Leave a Reply


  1. Tom299

    Do you have an English version of this presentation?

  2. tom lee

    Power of the individuals. We can be charming, willing, obstinate and more. And we have feet we can use to leave the company at any time we choose. Individual clients are most important

    • John Accural

      In today’s global economy, the humanities are essential since we deal with a wide variety of cultures, political systems, economies and religions. In business we always said: Forewarned is forearmed.

  3. Adam Spark Two

    The simplest form of power is that vested in the position of ‘manager’. A manager has subordinates who must do his or her bidding, only within legal and organizational rules. The basic employment transaction is ‘we give you money, you do as your are told’.

    Of course there are many more ways that power can be exerted, and in particular in motivating people more effectively such as is found in transformational leadership.