Posts byNorbert Biedrzycki  

The Unpredictability of AI: Between Fate and Philosophical Reflection

AI, much like fate in Stawiszyński’s philosophy, is a human creation that increasingly operates beyond our control, raising profound questions about agency, technology, and unpredictability. In the era of pervasive technological dominance, Artificial Intelligence introduces new dimensions of unpredictability into our reality. Drawing inspiration from Tomasz

From the mastery of Go to therapeutic applications: How neural networks handle human emotions

Can a documentary on computer programming take the form of a drama that is full of plot twists, existential dilemmas and high emotions? Actually, it can. I have just watched AlphaGo, a film whose often tearful characters experienced highly emotional defeats and triumphs.

Can a documentary on computer programming take the form of a drama that is full of plot twists, existential dilemmas and high emotions? Actually, it can. I have just watched AlphaGo, a film whose often tearful characters experienced highly emotional defeats and triumphs.

As lockdowns spawn new business models, a new era in work and trade is upon us

Both regular workers and management theorists have been wondering what work, shopping and consumption will be like once the lockdowns are lifted. Will our recent experience alter work practices and shopping habits for good? Will new business models emerge?

Both regular workers and management theorists have been wondering what work, shopping and consumption will be like once the lockdowns are lifted. Will our recent experience alter work practices and shopping habits for good? Will new business models emerge?

Pandemic. What talent meets the needs of the day?

The pandemic has been accelerating the pace and scale of the digital transformation. One of the toughest challenges faced currently is to secure the right human resources. And although recruiting the right people is vital in today’s world, it is unclear what selection criteria are going to work best. What kind of manager or leader will perfectly satisfy the demands of the pandemic-stricken world?

The pandemic has been accelerating the pace and scale of the digital transformation. One of the toughest challenges faced currently is to secure the right human resources. And although recruiting the right people is vital in today’s world, it is unclear what selection criteria are going to work best. What kind of manager or leader will perfectly satisfy the demands of the pandemic-stricken world?

GPT-3 writes like a writer, codes like a programmer, and can be … dangerous

OPEN AI’s GPT-3 algorithm can write a sophisticated essay that a professional journalist would not be ashamed of. However, the most surprising thing about GPT-3 are its IT skills. Lines of code written by the algorithm turn out to be fully practical and can be applied to create professional software.

OPEN AI’s GPT-3 algorithm can write a sophisticated essay that a professional journalist would not be ashamed of. However, the most surprising thing about GPT-3 are its IT skills. Lines of code written by the algorithm turn out to be fully practical and can be applied to create professional software.

Machine learning. A literature expert and an art connoisseur

Can algorithms interpret the works of Shakespeare in depth? Yes, they can, and they do it with a precision that many literature professors could only dream to achieve. Do they understand where the authentic value of paintings by renowned artists lies? Absolutely! They know so much about it that they can immediately tell a forgery.

Can algorithms interpret the works of Shakespeare in depth? Yes, they can, and they do it with a precision that many literature professors could only dream to achieve. Do they understand where the authentic value of paintings by renowned artists lies? Absolutely! They know so much about it that they can immediately tell a forgery.

How to survive a digital tsunami without turning your business into a new Google?

The digital “disruption” doesn't mean you need to radically transform your business. Becoming another Google, Amazon or Facebook is not your only option. You can survive the digital storm without giving up the traditional values that have been with your company since its creation.

How to survive a digital tsunami without turning into a new Google? Theis doesn’t mean you need to radically transform your business.

Machines finally discover their consciousness

According to scientists, human consciousness not only cannot be replicated but also evades definition. The weakness of this view lies in the presumption that only one type of consciousness, the kind that resembles ours, is possible. And yet, it is conceivable that at successive stages of its development, AI may develop new, hitherto unknown modes of self-reflection.

According to scientists, human consciousness not only cannot be replicated but also evades definition. The weakness of this view lies in the presumption that only one type of consciousness, the kind that resembles ours, is possible. And yet, it is conceivable that at successive stages of its development, AI may develop new, hitherto unknown modes of self-reflection.

Digital twins. Engineers’ dream come true

Digital Twins is a great example of how digital information can become part of our lives. They have a chance to become a key tool for optimizing the most diverse processes.

Virtual representations of physical objects, gracefully dubbed digital twins, are replacing physical prototypes. Their most fascinating feature is their ability to communicate with their physical counterparts with which they exchange information at all times. The significance of such exchanges has not gone unnoticed by automotive and

Quantum computers vs. Covid-19

The pandemic has turned the life we have grown accustomed to over the last few decades on its head. Will technology help us minimize the damage caused by the current crisis? What role can quantum computers play in this process?

The shock we are experiencing is sure to transform research priorities, development goals and economic models across the tech industry. The big tech companies are putting a lot of their resources into developing coronavirus information sites, interactive outbreak tracking maps and contact tracing apps. All

Data-Driven Investor: How to survive a digital tsunami?

You can survive the digital storm without giving up the traditional values ​​that have been with your company since its creation. However, you need to be able to communicate such values to the customers whose consumer experience is increasingly tied to digital culture.

The digital “disruption” doesn’t mean you need to radically transform your business. Becoming another Google, Amazon or Facebook is not your only option. You can survive the digital storm without giving up the traditional values ​​that have been with your company since its creation. However,

When will robots embrace us?

The sight of a robot handling pallets in a warehouse is nothing unusual. How dumbfounded would we be though if that robot flew off the handle and raved about not wanting to work all day long. Is it possible for machines to feel anger, fear or joy and recognize such emotions in people?

The sight of a robot handling pallets in a warehouse is nothing unusual. How dumbfounded would we be though if that robot flew off the handle and raved about not wanting to work all day long. Is it possible for machines to feel anger, fear or joy and recognize such emotions in people?

A robot lied and thus became human

Big lies, little lies and lies of omission play an essential role in society. Without occasionally concealing our true opinions about people around us, we could never be able to create lasting social bonds. Clearly, lies can be useful to humans. But can they also be useful to robots?

All of us have at least once in our lives complimented someone on their appearance despite not being impressed with it or showed interest in a conversation that we cared little about. While such behaviors are clearly commonplace, a machine that conceals the truth is

Why we’re building our customer approach on Design Thinking

I’m a firm believer that solving customers’ challenges starts with being truly interested in what they have to say – an idea that is also central to Design Thinking, a powerful tool for creative problem-solving.

I’m a firm believer that solving customers’ challenges starts with being truly interested in what they have to say – an idea that is also central to Design Thinking, a powerful tool for creative problem-solving.

What’s being done with your face?

Pattern and facial recognition is revolutionizing medicine, the automotive industry and marketing and making people’s lives easier. However, these advances have a dark side to them too. You should prepare for the fact that your face may attract a lot of interest in the coming years.

Pattern and facial recognition is revolutionizing medicine, the automotive industry and marketing and making people’s lives easier. However, these advances have a dark side to them too. You should prepare for the fact that your face may attract a lot of interest in the coming years.

The clash of the dark side and the bright side. What is human-friendly AI?

Is it time yet we thought of a “red safety button” in the event AI gets out of control? Or should we respond to our fear of an algorithmic armageddon more constructively by designing human-friendly AI?

The idea of a symbolic kill switch that would instantly neutralize hostile algorithms is not foreign to the average person nor to tech industry moguls and celebrity scientists. There is no point citing the repeated warnings of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Yuval Harrari and Stephen Hawking regarding

A black swan or rather a gray rhino: how the tech industry is regaining trust

Over the past four years, tech companies have boasted rapid growth. Their problem was mounting distrust on the part of private users and growing media criticism. Now, with the global crisis sweeping across the globe, they may actually have happened upon an opportunity: a chance for the industry to mend its reputation.

While any crisis may be a possibility to sway public opinion, it can also cause you to quickly fall out of favor. The pandemic poses numerous threats to the tech industry but it is not without silver linings. Companies may use their ad hoc responses

The Earth is sick. Machines teach an environment class

The Earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, myopia, and lack of imagination. In our struggle to understand what is ruining our planet, we might find the solution in artificial intelligence.

Climate change, with deforestation, melting glaciers, mass extinctions and carbon emissions, is the biggest problem of the century. If you struggle to understand what is ruining our planet, perhaps you should look for clues in artificial intelligence. Oceanographers, biologists, and meteorologists successfully use a host

The power of personalization. To please you, we’ll scan your smile

As a customer, I want to feel special no matter where I shop. This self-centeredness of mine is consistent with a common pattern of consumer behavior observed around the world. Corporate executives have wizened up to the fact that only deeply personalized products stand a chance of satisfying the spoiled customers of today. Personalization had to become the prevailing marketing trend.

The power of personalization. To please you, we’ll scan your smile

Machine Ecology

The earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, our myopia, and our lack of imagination. Climate change, with deforestation, melting glaciers, mass extinctions and carbon emissions, is the biggest problem of the century. If you struggle to understand what is ruining our planet, perhaps you should look for clues in artificial intelligence.

Machine Ecology. The earth is sick, and the causes of its disease lie in our choices, our myopia, and our lack of imagination.

Politicians and artificial intelligence. Can national strategies succeed?

For the first time in the history of societies, people will live with technology as a partner that is guided by its own rules and laws. Politicians are increasingly aware of the various consequences of AI expansion. Will they be able to regulate our relationship with AI?

For the first time in the history of societies, people will live with technology as a partner that is guided by its own rules and laws. Politicians are increasingly aware of the various consequences of AI expansion. Will they be able to regulate our relationship with AI?

Don’t kill a humanoid: do machines deserve to have rights?

How would one grant rights to machines? The matter still can’t be consulted with those concerned. Artificial intelligence will not tell us whether or not it feels people’s existing legal system is treating it well. So we have to manage alone and decide for it.

In late July 2019, the world learned that the company Neuralink was close to integrating the human brain with a computer. The first interface hoped to enable the feat was unveiled. We may thus be in for an incredible leap in expanding our cognitive abilities. The

Covid-19. Are we entering an age of global surveillance?

It only took a couple of weeks or so for the dark visions reminiscent of the Black Mirror tv series to become reality: think of drones hovering overhead and taking our body temperature and smartphone apps notifying law enforcement on whether we are staying home. Is the massive amount of health data collected during the pandemic going to be deleted once the dust settles?

Are we entering an age of global surveillance? It has long been common knowledge that digital technology can keep track of our every activity online. The digital tracks we leave behind are easy to follow.

Algorithms born of our prejudices

Are algorithms capable of discrimination? I am afraid they are. What complicates the question is the fact that algorithm developers can hardly be accused of malicious intent. How then could a mathematical formula put individuals and communities in harm’s way?

Are algorithms capable of discrimination? I am afraid they are. What complicates the question is the fact that algorithm developers can hardly be accused of malicious intent. How then could a mathematical formula put individuals and communities in harm’s way?

The city as an operating system

The notion of a smart city goes back several years. By now, urban areas run partly by algorithms can be found on all continents. And yet, Google’s idea to move nearly every aspect of a city district’s operation to a server is a whole new quality.

The notion of a smart city goes back several years. By now, urban areas run partly by algorithms can be found on all continents. And yet, Google’s idea to move nearly every aspect of a city district’s operation to a server is a whole new quality.

What will life be like in the “brave new world”?

By now, urban areas run partly by algorithms can be found on all continents. And yet, Google’s idea to move nearly every aspect of a city district’s operation to a server is a whole new quality.

My article in CoFoundersTown published 30th of March 2020 on What will life be like in the “brave new world”? Until now, just about every time a conference devoted to smart cities offers examples of intelligent conurbations, it mentions areas in China and South Korea alongside London, Boston, Shanghai, New

Is it possible to regulate AI and do we need such regulation?

I do not believe that attempts to regulate artificial intelligence are an unnecessary nuisance or a curb on the free distribution of ideas and business freedom. A technology that develops beyond our control and that self-improves without a programmer’s intervention, becomes powerful indeed.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 30th of March 2020 on Is it possible to regulate AI and do we need such regulation?  There is an ongoing debate about how to regulate artificial intelligence. Lawyers, politicians and business people alike feel that the laws in place are failing to keep

Cognitive computing – a skill-set widely considered to be the most vital manifestation of artificial intelligence

Will computers ever amaze us again in any way? Some potential for amazement may lie in cognitive computing – a skill-set widely considered to be the most vital manifestation of AI.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 29th of March 2020 on Cognitive computing – a skill-set widely considered to be the most vital manifestation of artificial intelligence.  As its users, we have grown to take technology for granted. Hardly anything these days is as commonplace and unremarkable as a

Generation C. “C” for connected

What consequences of digitization should a modern company reckon with? What should it do to survive in a market swept by a digital revolution? Described below are some key elements one might want to consider in designing a digitization strategy.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 28th of March 2020 on Generation C. “C” for connected.  Nearly all of us today are connected to digital services. We are both the co-architects and consumers of digital reality. Technologies fascinate us, they are currently in fashion and sell well. Start-ups, digital and web apps

How to regulate artificial intelligence?

Lawyers, politicians and business people alike feel that the laws in place are failing to keep up with technological advances. Is it possible to regulate artificial intelligence efficiently and do we need such regulation?

Lawyers, politicians and business people alike feel that the laws in place are failing to keep up with technological advances. Is it possible to regulate artificial intelligence efficiently and do we need such regulation?

Will AI save the labor market?

The question in my title may sound like heresy. There is no denying that smart algorithms can fascinate and delight us. They can enable digital transformations in business, revolutionize marketing methods and foster a world of efficiency, high speed and profit. But can they be our lifeline?

In many industries, digital technology reduces demand for human labor, and increases the net gain of intelligent machine ownership, such machines being cheaper than people. According to McKinsey, the digital revolution will put nearly 400 million people out of a job by 2030.

We, the last generation of Homo sapiens

Biotechnology, genetics and artificial intelligence will put Homo Sapiens on an evolutionary path that will forever change the face of human existence. This is how one of the most-popular contemporary thinkers, the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, sees our future in the next century.

Do not be afraid of future robots lurking around the corner to get us. This only happens in movies. Instead, you should brace for more complex scenarios. Biotechnology, genetics and artificial intelligence will put Homo Sapiens on an evolutionary path that will forever change the face

Wearables. How about an electronic coat?

Ever wanted to monitor your heart rhythm, track your brain activity while you sleep or track your calorie burn while jogging? If so, here’s a perfect solution for you. Put on an electronic wristband and gain unlimited insights into the way your body works. Welcome to the world of smart gadgets that know more about you than you do yourself.

The increasingly popular wearables – personal electronic devices you can strap around your wrist, attach to your pants, or even fasten to your hair – fit perfectly into today’s obsessions with healthy lifestyles, healthy eating, calorie counting and jogging. There is always something that “smart”

Leadership. It takes a wider perspective to win

Whether they want it or not, leaders are cogs in a fast-moving machine, which requires them to clip their claws regularly. They must fight to keep their moral backbones from being crushed. What are some of the hard choices they face?

So, you have the power to inspire people and an appetite for innovative projects? Excellent. Test your resolve now at a meeting with the board or an owner who tells you that – yes, your project can get greenlit, but … (here comes the familiar

Data Driven Investor: Will AI save the labor market?

To show that the question in the title can be answered affirmatively, I am going to explore the way smart technologies help resolve social problems.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 30th of January 2020: Will AI save the labor market? To show that the question in the title can be answered affirmatively, I am going to explore the way smart technologies help resolve social problems. The problems include an aging labor force

Artificial intelligence is an efficient banker

The innovative use of artificial intelligence in the financial industry is no passing fad. It is a must and a trend that seems to have no alternatives. Algorithms improve financial management and product selection for customers and automate the work of financial institutions.

The most useful innovations that have emerged in today’s financial industry would not be possible without some basic capabilities of AI. The main ones are to process large volumes of data, perform predictive operations and conduct real-time analyses of information sets. These alter not only

Innovative use of AI in the financial industry

The innovative use of artificial intelligence in the financial industry is no passing fad. It is a must and a trend that seems to have no alternatives. Algorithms improve financial management and product selection for customers and automate the work of financial institutions.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 10th of January2020 on AI as  an Efficient Banker.  The most useful innovations that have emerged in today’s financial industry would not be possible without some basic capabilities of artificial intelligence. The main ones are to process large volumes of data, perform predictive operations

Technology 2020. Algorithms in the cloud, food from printers and microscopes in our bodies

The trends I am describing are not isolated, meaning that growth in any given area, will have a spill-over effect and feed into other trends, including those left out from this year’s selection, such as the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles and blockchain.

The trends I am describing are not isolated, meaning that growth in any given area, such as 5G technology, will have a spill-over effect and feed into other trends, including those left out from this year’s selection, such as the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles and blockchain.