Monthly Archives: October 2017

Key speaker at HRcamp 2017. Impact of Artificial intelligence and robotics on the labour market

Will robots take our jobs or maybe create new ones? Artificial intelligence and automation and the labour market - what awaits us and how to prepare for the change.

HRcamp is a focal point to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences. The conference is organized for the most important people responsible for HR and operations in Poland and Europe. I was a key speaker at the conference with a speech: Will robots take us to
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BigData and Artificial Intelligence: Think Big Congress

Big Data analysis at the end of the twentieth century, moved the business into a new, innovative dimension. The new revolution is machine learning as well as artificial intelligence.

Big Data analysis at the end of the twentieth century, moved the business into a new, innovative dimension. The new revolution is machine learning as well as artificial intelligence. Information is a fundamental and essential asset that guarantees the company’s functioning and development. Using data
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Will robots change the world?

Article in BrandsIT: Algorithm-based technologies, machine learning and process automation have come to a point in their development where morality-related questions and answers may seriously affect the development of all of our modern technologies and even our entire civilization.

My article in BrandsIT on October 20, 2017.   The development of artificial intelligence rests on the assumption that the world can be improved. People may be healthier and live longer, customers may be ever happier with the products and services they receive, car driving
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Data commercialization Summit

Business growth driven by big data in the age of augmented human being. The future is here – based on predictions of what will happen tomorrow. Time for futurology – fourth revolution – what’s next?

Data Commercialization Summit is the largest conference of CRM, marketing and sales representatives in Poland, focused on increasing the efficiency of commercial operations, using innovative IT technologies and tools, expertise and advanced data analysis. Norbert Biedrzycki’s speech took place in the panel entitled “Business growth
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