Tag Archives: Big Data

Quantum technology and quantum algorithms are evolving. What will they bring? I hope a lot of good.

What has made quantum computers so exciting lately? Perhaps the fact we are approaching the limits of computing capabilities of the kinds of transistor-based machines we have long been using. They are limited by the laws of physics, which prevent us from packing more processors on chipboard.

Computers are used to solve problems, and the type of problems they solve depends on their algorithms and hardware as well as their capabilities and limitations. Imagine what would happen if you could lift these limitations once and for all? What would modern quantum computers

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Congress

Use of future technologies. The most important industry trends in 2019.

Using artificial intelligence in industry is a topic which has only recently been in business. Is the use of this term in this context over exaggerated? Is the idea of learning algorithms supporting production from the perspective of the Polish market far-fetched? We are certainly