Monthly Archives: January 2018

Artificial intelligence is new electricity

The intellectual currents that accompany advances in modern technology are as fascinating as the technologies themselves. What kind of a breakthrough could this be?

The whole of humanity is becoming connected to the global web and, within years, every inhabitant of the planet will enjoy full access. This will place new communications options and unlimited digital data, products, services and content at our fingertips. Never before in the history

Robots awaiting judges

Planet of the Machines: Questions for a New Age. Humans tend to become flustered when confronted with a rapidly changing reality, and let's not exclude our lawyers and legislators.

Planet of the Machines: Questions for a New Age   Humans tend to become flustered when confronted with a rapidly changing reality, and let’s not exclude our lawyers and legislators. They’re human, too, and they surely realize that the laws we’ve created are frequently inadequate

Looking for greater profits? Start sharing with me

Imagine an economic system in which concepts such as profit, margin and supply-and-demand were replaced by trust, participation, sharing, and the responsible, sustainable use of resources.

Imagine an economic system in which concepts such as profit, margin and supply-and-demand were replaced by trust, participation, sharing, and the responsible, sustainable use of resources. Utopian? Absolutely. Sharing economy. Utopia, in Greek, can mean both the “good place” or the “non-existing place.” If the good

When will we stop being biological people?

Intellectual currents that accompany the development of modern technology are as fascinating as technology itself.

When will we stop being biological people? My article in BUSINESS INSIDER published 6th of January 2018.   Artificial Intelligence is a great promise to many of us. Better, easier, longer life. Maybe even something more. The technological revolutions that are taking place today are: machine