Monthly Archives: December 2017

FORBES: Artificial Intelligence is new electricity?

The view that humanity is at the threshold of a great breakthrough is spreading and sounds less and less fantastic. What would he depend on?

My article in FORBES published 28th of December 2017.   Connecting all people to the global Internet network becomes a fact and it is a matter of the coming years, so that every inhabitant of our planet can have full access to it. This means communication

Code Europe Warsaw December 2017

Code Europe. The largest software development conference in Poland, 90 speakers, 150 workshops and 9000 participants.

Code Europe. The largest software development conference in Poland, 90 speakers, 150 workshops and 9000 participants. Place to share experiences, knowledge, best practices with international industry leaders, key developers, managers, clients on latest technology trends, case studies, projects.   During December edition of the conference