Tag Archives: BrandsIT

Shared economy – sounds like a utopia? Probably so

Imagine an economic system in which concepts such as profit, margin and supply-and-demand were replaced by trust, participation, sharing, and the responsible, sustainable use of resources.

My article in BrandsIT dated 15thof December 2018.   Critics of modern economics, sociologists, advocates of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, to mention only those with the largest market capitalization), and even the founders of corporations that champion ​​new technologies, all agree: The age we live in

Myths of Artificial Intelligence

This text deals with the myths that revolve around Artificial Intelligence - in the media, in the network and in the minds of all of us. I dare say that this fear is highly unjustified.

My article in BrandsIT dated September 4th, 2018.   MYTH 1. We will be watched constantly It is indeed true – big data will enable us to rapidly access data on any topic. As rapid information is the future, only companies capable of retrieving it

Cognitive Computing – the most serious manifestation of Artificial Intelligence

In essence, cognitive computing is a set of features and properties that make machines ever more intelligent and, by the same token, more people-friendly. It can be viewed as a set of skills often treated as the most serious manifestation of artificial intelligence.

My article in BrandsIT dated July 4th, 2018.   All the existing definitions of cognitive computing share a few common features. Generally speaking, the term refers to a collection of technologies that result largely from studies on the functioning of the human brain. It describes a

How far are we to ethical machines?

Will we be safe when surrounded by machines? Cautious estimates say that in 2025 the share of autonomous cars in the total car market will increase to 13% and reach USD 42 billion.

My article in BrandsIT dated June 27th, 2018.   Developers involved in creating algorithms used in autonomous cars should be prepared for the fact that their work may soon become the subject of heated ethical debate. The growing popularity of autonomous vehicles is already occupied