Monthly Archives: April 2016

BIG DATA: Think Big CEE Congress

Big Data is a main challenge for key company’s divisions, The possibility to confront the entire complexity of the Big Data problems is the biggest added value of the Congress.

BIG DATA: Think Big CEE Congress is an answer to the one of the most important business subjects in the region – that is the possibility of using different unstructured data. Big Data Volumes are the main challenge for many key company’s divisions, for example

Big Data advancements are not determined by technology

It’s about human behavior. The data we share, sometimes very carelessly, are subject for analysis on our behaviors, preferences, every day life choices, likes and dislikes.

Big Data conferences gather mostly technological experts and computing specialists, and although technology enabled us to collect and process the large amounts of information, the second, often omitted factor, driving the trend, is human behavior. It turned out, that people, once given the tools and

EuroPOWER Energy Sector Conference

EuroPOWER Conference is neutral platform for dialogue, permanently inscribing itself in calendars of the most important economic events in our country.

EuroPOWER Energy Conference aims to talk about the most current challenges and problems of the energy sector. All the key industry representatives gather together to discuss what is most important for the sector. EuroPOWER Energy Conference is neutral platform for dialogue, permanently inscribing itself in

An video interview for Inwestor.Newseria

Release of the market, admission of different telecom operators and natural competition.

  – Release of the market, admission of different telecom operators and natural competition. As a result the companies had to reduce costs, come to agreement with specific territorial units in order to make these costs bearable for the end user. – Polish companies have