Monthly Archives: August 2016

Augmented reality. Seeing more than just Pokemons

Virtual and augmented reality has been born amidst turmoil and confusion. Both of these projects appeal to people’s imagination promising to extend the limits of human perception. And they do in fact deliver.

  The new digital revolution Since the early 1990s, the debate on the future of the Internet has centered on two concepts which appealed to the imaginations of both engineers and the general public. They were virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR). Many IT

SmartCity Forum

Smart City Forum is a response to the transformation, which takes place on a global scale, relating to the construction and operation of intelligent cities.

SmartCity Forum is a response to the transformation, which takes place on a global scale, relating to the construction and operation of intelligent cities. It affects multiple aspects of life, ranging from transport, through ecology, energy, construction and finally new ways of communication with residents.

Advancements in Big Data are not driven by technology alone

Although technology has enabled us to collect and process large amounts of information, another often neglected factor behind the trend is human behavior.

Advancements in Big Data are not driven by technology alone. They are also about human behavior. Big Data conferences, which I attend regularly, attract mostly technology experts and computing specialists. Although technology has enabled us to collect and process large amounts of information, another often neglected

Stop the deepening of the digital divide

Social advancement and economic growth today are not only about Internet access. The way we use the Internet is no less important.

Social advancement and economic growth today are not only about Internet access. The way we use the Internet is no less important.   My sons got their first computer one Christmas. My older one was 6, my younger, 4. The year was 1997. The machine