Monthly Archives: July 2018

Transformational leadership: Bringing order to chaos

The men and women leading the change need to be brave, aware of market trends and able to select the right people to help them. Even in an age of hyper-specialization, the leader’s versatility is the ultimate key to success.

Transforming an organization to meet the demands of a digitized market is a complex challenge. The men and women leading the change need to be brave, aware of market trends and able to select the right people to help them. Even in an age of

Hello. Are you still human?

The intellectual currents that accompany advances in technology can be as fascinating as the technologies themselves. Right now, the belief that humanity is on the cusp of a big breakthrough is taking hold. What could it be?

For many people, artificial intelligence (AI) holds the promise of better, easier and longer lives. Perhaps even more. The unfolding AI revolution, complete with machine learning, deep learning and cognitive computing (i.e., machines capable of learning from their own mistakes, or from patterns discovered in

Lecture at Leon Kozminski Academy – one of leading Polish ecomic universities

I was privileged to be a lecturer at Leon Kozminski Academy. It is a great pleasure, honor but also a lot of fun.

Lecture at Leon Kozminski Academy – one of leading Polish ecomic universities. Thank you Monika Sonta for the invitation. It is a great pleasure, honor but also a lot of fun. Sharing experiences is fun   Leon Kozminski Academy         Related articles: –

What do leaders dream about?

Today's leaders need many tools to help them lead or manage their increasingly complex organizations. They have been designed to help leaders respond quickly to new challenges such as global digitization, rapidly advancing technologies and fierce competition.

Organizations increasingly understand that their chances of successfully implementing an innovative strategy will be quite slim without a strong leader leading the change. Accordingly, corporations invest in a wide range of leadership development programs – an estimated $50 billion annually, according to a recent McKinsey