Monthly Archives: January 2020

Data Driven Investor: Will AI save the labor market?

To show that the question in the title can be answered affirmatively, I am going to explore the way smart technologies help resolve social problems.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 30th of January 2020: Will AI save the labor market? To show that the question in the title can be answered affirmatively, I am going to explore the way smart technologies help resolve social problems. The problems include an aging labor force

Artificial intelligence is an efficient banker

The innovative use of artificial intelligence in the financial industry is no passing fad. It is a must and a trend that seems to have no alternatives. Algorithms improve financial management and product selection for customers and automate the work of financial institutions.

The most useful innovations that have emerged in today’s financial industry would not be possible without some basic capabilities of AI. The main ones are to process large volumes of data, perform predictive operations and conduct real-time analyses of information sets. These alter not only

Innovative use of AI in the financial industry

The innovative use of artificial intelligence in the financial industry is no passing fad. It is a must and a trend that seems to have no alternatives. Algorithms improve financial management and product selection for customers and automate the work of financial institutions.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 10th of January2020 on AI as  an Efficient Banker.  The most useful innovations that have emerged in today’s financial industry would not be possible without some basic capabilities of artificial intelligence. The main ones are to process large volumes of data, perform predictive operations