Monthly Archives: January 2019

Technologies that will change 2019

It is not easy to imagine a technology that will receive as much publicity as the blockchain did last year but there’s little doubt that other new and innovative technologies will make even greater inroads into our daily lives in 2019.

Certainly, rapid progress in artificial intelligence will continue to be made and be widely reported. Despite the controversies, autonomous vehicles will proliferate, and it would be good to see serious, in-depth articles about industry regulation (licensing for the use of autonomous vehicles on public roads,

Want to know who the leader is? Ask him to decide

Every person makes hundreds of decisions daily, most automatically and without reflection. The decisions made in organizations also are mostly routine, practically automatic.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 25th of January 2019. One of the most valuable things an effective leader can offer an organization is the ability to make decisions, hopefully the right ones.  However, it is the way the decision is made that separates outstanding leaders

Data Driven Investor: The Technologies Poised to Change the World in 2019

Rapid progress in artificial intelligence will continue to be made and be widely reported. Autonomous vehicles will proliferate, and it would be good to see serious, in-depth articles about industry regulation rather than last year’s sensational coverage focusing on accidents and disasters.

My article in Data Driven Investor published 15th of January 2019. It is not easy to imagine a technology that will receive as much publicity as the blockchain did last year but there’s little doubt that other new and innovative technologies will make even greater inroads into our

Will blockchain trigger a shakedown of the global financial system?

The financial crash of 2008 demonstrated (to some) that large financial institutions need to be closely watched and strictly regulated. The meltdown some believe also demonstrated the need for an alternative to complex, abuse-prone financial instruments held by few, and understood by even fewer.

Many believe that new tool could be the blockchain, with the new currency, the Bitcoin, based on it. Could they put an end to the volatility and opacity of the financial sector? Today, cryptocurrencies are on everyone’s lips, with blockchain – a distributed peer-to-peer database