Tag Archives: Kurzweil

People will lose their jobs as a result of the digital revolution. And you?

Estimates say that as a result of the digital revolution more than 500 million people will lose their jobs. What skills will be key in the future? What groups of people will gain and what will they lose on the technological revolution?

My article in BUSINESS INSIDER published 18th of November 2017.   We are witnessing the changes caused by the ever-widening use of technology in our lives. The introduction of artificial intelligence and self-learning machines changes the way decisions are made and communication is carried out. The

The end of the age of humans

Big Brother has always been watching us, except that these days, he does it far more efficiently and thoroughly. And it is going to get worse. Because soon assembly lines in factories will be “manned” by emotionless robots…

Big Brother has always been watching us, except that these days, he does it far more efficiently and thoroughly. After all, he is online, meaning he can access our e-mails, bank statements, phone calls and social media posts. He can also easily structure the information

Living brains beget artificial intelligence

Machine learning, autonomous vehicles, the internet of things and the feats of IBM’s computer Watson are the work of living brains, people who seek to make the world a better place, make humanity healthier and perhaps even extend human life.

Artificial intelligence is frequently presented as an abstract demonic force that can do unforeseeable things. This view persists despite the fact that machine learning, autonomous vehicles, the internet of things and the feats of IBM’s computer Watson are the work of living brains, people who

The brain – a device that becomes obsolete

Most people today find it difficult to keep up with the break-neck pace of technological advances. Scientists increasingly claim that to understand the future, which surprisingly is now, people have to adopt their brains.

  Most people today find it difficult to keep up with the break-neck pace of technological advances. Scientists increasingly claim that to understand the future, which surprisingly is now, people have to adopt their brains. Unless brains adapt, a wall of misunderstanding will grow between