Tag Archives: Machine consciousness

GPT-3 writes like a writer, codes like a programmer, and can be … dangerous

OPEN AI’s GPT-3 algorithm can write a sophisticated essay that a professional journalist would not be ashamed of. However, the most surprising thing about GPT-3 are its IT skills. Lines of code written by the algorithm turn out to be fully practical and can be applied to create professional software.

OPEN AI’s GPT-3 algorithm can write a sophisticated essay that a professional journalist would not be ashamed of. However, the most surprising thing about GPT-3 are its IT skills. Lines of code written by the algorithm turn out to be fully practical and can be applied to create professional software.

Machines finally discover their consciousness

According to scientists, human consciousness not only cannot be replicated but also evades definition. The weakness of this view lies in the presumption that only one type of consciousness, the kind that resembles ours, is possible. And yet, it is conceivable that at successive stages of its development, AI may develop new, hitherto unknown modes of self-reflection.

According to scientists, human consciousness not only cannot be replicated but also evades definition. The weakness of this view lies in the presumption that only one type of consciousness, the kind that resembles ours, is possible. And yet, it is conceivable that at successive stages of its development, AI may develop new, hitherto unknown modes of self-reflection.

Hello. Are you still human?

The intellectual currents that accompany advances in technology can be as fascinating as the technologies themselves. Right now, the belief that humanity is on the cusp of a big breakthrough is taking hold. What could it be?

For many people, artificial intelligence (AI) holds the promise of better, easier and longer lives. Perhaps even more. The unfolding AI revolution, complete with machine learning, deep learning and cognitive computing (i.e., machines capable of learning from their own mistakes, or from patterns discovered in

What a machine will think when it looks us in the eye?

Artificial Intelligence will do all of our work for us – it will even find a cure for cancer, claim enthusiasts. It will render man useless, respond pessimists, prophesying a doom of humanity at the hand of conscious machines.

About machine consciousness In reply to a journalist’s question on whether machines will ever be able to feel, Oren Etzioni, co-founder and CEO of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, an organization established two years ago by Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen, said: “The short answer