Tag Archives: Robots

A robot lied and thus became human

Big lies, little lies and lies of omission play an essential role in society. Without occasionally concealing our true opinions about people around us, we could never be able to create lasting social bonds. Clearly, lies can be useful to humans. But can they also be useful to robots?

All of us have at least once in our lives complimented someone on their appearance despite not being impressed with it or showed interest in a conversation that we cared little about. While such behaviors are clearly commonplace, a machine that conceals the truth is

Will algorithms commit war crimes?

It’s clear that the military is developing smart technologies. We owe many of the innovations we know from civilian applications to military R&D, including the internet itself (which began as Arpanet), email, and autonomous vehicles. But today modern weaponry relying on machine and deep learning can achieve a worrisome autonomy.

Will algorithms commit war crimes? It’s clear that the military is developing smart technologies. We owe many of the innovations we know from civilian applications to military R&D, including the internet itself (which began as Arpanet), email, and autonomous vehicles. But today modern weaponry relying on machine and deep learning can achieve a worrisome autonomy.

Fund Forum Analiz online conference

Fintech is changing reality - say hello to the robot. Future of the banking sector in the context of the development of the FinTech industry, influence of blockchain technology on the development of financial services, future of the financial advisor profession in the context of progressing automation and robo advisory.

On March 27th, 2018, the 8th edition of Fund Forum Analiz Online took place at the Warsaw Hilton Hotel. It is the largest and most prestigious investment conference on the Polish market, a unique group of speakers and guests from renowned investment companies in Poland

Who will gain, and who will lose in the digital revolution?

By 2030, the digital revolution will push 75 million to 375 million workers around the world out of their current jobs. However, while many occupations will disappear from the employment landscape forever, many new professions will take their place. What skills will be in demand in the future?

The changes we are witnessing today are being driven by the growing use of technology in everyday life. Artificial intelligence (AI) and self-learning machines are already altering the ways decisions are made and information communicated. The process is irreversible and accelerating. In the near future,